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Zwick Construction has completed many municipal/public projects throughout states like Utah, California, Nevada, and Arizona, including the Utah Department of Corrections.

Utah Department of Corrections

Salt Lake City, UT: UT Department of Corrections (AP&P Fortitude Treatment Center) 



SIZE: 45,000 SF

This contract involved constructing an intake area, processing area, kitchen, and secured dormitory quarters for the Utah Department of Corrections in Salt Lake City, UT. The facility enables struggling parolees to remain in the community under parole supervision rather than being  returned to prison. The original structure needed substantial renovation and buildout to accommodate the secured facilities. This required building two levels of housing inside an existing warehouse, by erecting steel frame and pouring a concrete slab for the second level. The complete facility provides housing for 180 inmates. 

Guided by our core values, Zwick Construction delivers impressive projects of all kinds in many industries.
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